BAC Career Club's Article Writing Competition

As we prepare to celebrate our National Independence Day, we want to showcase the ideas and opinions of our youth. BAC's Career Club held an article writing competition in conjunction with National Day, with themes of unity, education and the youth of Malaysia.

Although there were many participants, three articles rose above the rest to receive the achievement of top three. The winning participants were Sharvena A/P Kanapathy, Muvekka Anne A/P Siwan, and Sruthi A/P Jegan. They wrote articles on topics of inculcating patriotism in youth and Malaysians standing together as a family.

If you would like to read their works, you may click the links below!

Champion: "The Importance and the Methods of Inculcating Patriotism in the Malaysian Youth" by Sharvena A/P Kanapathy

First Runner-Up: "Unity and patriotism is vital for the well-being and shared prosperity of Malaysian citizens. Why is it important to inculcate patriotism among Malaysian youth and what are the methods to do so?" by Muvekka Anne A/P Siwan

Second Runner-Up: Malaysiaku–Stand Together as Malaysian Family by Sruthi A/P Jegan

Congratulations to the winners of BAC Career Club's Article Writing Competition, and Selamat Hari Merdeka to all fellow Malaysians!