About Reliance College
The Hospitality and Tourism Specialist

The Reliance Story
Founded in the early 1980s, Reliance College is a pioneer in the field of Tourism and Hospitality Education, producing professionals who are respected worldwide. Over the years, we have recognised that it is a dynamic and fast-growing industry that requires leaders who are confident, knowledgeable, and as passionate as we are. That’s why at Reliance College, you'll get an education that combines expert practical training with vital management skills, preparing you for a career in the global hospitality industry.

Welcome to Reliance College!
The Hospitality & Tourism Specialist
We are the nation's pioneer in Tourism and Hospitality education. With over 35 years of training experience, we believe in producing the best graduates for the ever-evolving and continuously growing hospitality industry. Our unique philosophy of education is focused on one clear goal: to develop the next generation of hospitality industry leaders.
Reliance College has also been awarded the BrandLaureate Best Brand in Education (Hospitality & Tourism) in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
We have helped thousands of students to secure careers in this vibrant and global hospitality industry. We’ve also worked with our industry partners to help create employment opportunities that provide good working standards. Our programmes will allow you to learn in an environment that’s so like “the real world” that your transition will be seamless. You will have opportunities to gain practical experience in our mock hotel rooms, state-of-the-art kitchen and restaurant, and develop key transferable skills such as communication, critical thinking, time management and teamwork. You’ll also benefit from our global internship programs at some of Southeast Asia’s best leading hotels and restaurants, gaining international experience and making important contacts for future employment.
The Reliance Advantage extends far beyond your very own specialised area of study, and you will discover a world of opportunities with our globally focused education experience that goes beyond the classroom.
Menara BAC - Our Green Campus
A one-stop hub for learn, work and play, Menara BAC features state-of-the-art facilities such as the Omnia Auditorium, Horizon Banquet Hall, multi-purpose lecture & seminar rooms, meeting rooms, student accommodation and 250 carparks.
Menara BAC is also home to our brand-new Innovation Hub, a launchpad for Malaysian start-ups and entrepreneurs. The Hub will be powered by global tech giants like Microsoft and Google and is designed to inspire Malaysia’s next generation of industry disruptors.
Menara BAC has not only attained a Green RE Index "Gold" rating for being a sustainable and ecologically friendly building, but it also complies with the strictest standards of energy performance and design. The building's efficient use of resources and commitment to environmental responsibility make it a standout example of sustainable architecture. Its innovative design and energy-saving features set a new benchmark for eco-friendly buildings in the region.
Menara BAC
Omnia Auditorium
Horizon Banquet Hall

Want to find out more about
studying with us?
We offer 1:1 advisory sessions on academic and career topics.