BAC Mooting Society's Internal Mooting Championship 2024

BAC Mooting Society's Internal Mooting Championship is back! As with the past years, this competition aimed to scout for, and nurture the talent among the future litigators of BAC. This competition encouraged new mooters to take a step forward into the skill of arguing their cases in court.

This year, the moot problem, written by Mark Jeyakumar from Messrs. J.M.Mark, was a scintillating problem about a woman who killed her husband after years of abuse, who was now appealing the charge for murder.

The competition began as usual with the preliminaries, consisting of 16 teams, all vying for the coveted prize of an internship at Izral Partnership!

Judging the preliminaries were respected legal professionals such as Sarah Azahar from Skrine, Suzanne Kurian from Jeeva Partnership, returning judges Joycelyn Goh from Izral Partnership and Goh Cia Yee from Goh Cia Yee & Co., BAC lecturers Nicole Jo Pereira and Dr. Mary George, as well as ex-mooter and Champion of the 2023 Jessup Competition, Stanley Hoh.

Once the points were tallied, eight teams were able to continue on to the quarter finals. The teams consisted of new and experienced mooters alike, all ready to present their cases.

Judging the quarter-finals were experts in the legal field such as Bryan Ho from Ho Partnership, Shugan Raman from Shugan & Co., along with BAC lecturer Julius Hoo, and Head of Postgraduate (Law), Sapna Kaur, who understood the best ways to test the students - that is, with questions that would challenge them.

The next day, the four teams with the most points continued on to the semi-finals. These rounds were judged by distinguished industry experts such as Mohd Izral Khairy from Izral Partnership and Kimberly Tey from Maxis Malaysia. Although the submissions were intense, only two teams were able to proceed to the finals. These two teams were:

Team 1006 - Respondent

Leong Qi Rui

Foo Kai Cheong

Joshua Nimbar Tan

Team 1019 - Appellant

Raja Imran Shah

Muhammad Zafran

Sean Chew Yeong Jian

The finals were judged by a panel of five distinguished legal paragons, all of whom are experts in their field:

  • Mark Jeyakumar from Messrs. J.M. Mark
  • Lavinia Kumaraendran from Lavania & Balan Chambers
  • Alvin Dev Singh from Izral Partnership
  • Cyndi Chow from Josephine, L K Chow & Co
  • Mohd Izral Khairy from Izral Partnership

After a close fight with both sides submitting their case well, the judges gave their feedback to the mooters, and announced the winner: Team 1019! Each member of the team received the prize of an internship at Izral Partnership, but because it was such a close match, Mohd Izral Khairy offered internship opportunities to the first runners-up as well!

Congratulations to the winners, Raja Imran Shah, Muhammad Zafran and Sean Chew! Although they are all Year 1 students, they displayed incredible skills and well-roundedness, as Imran is a footballer with Br Damansara FC, and formerly with Perak FC!

Other notable achievements of the competition were Best Written Submission, which went to Team 1019 and Best Oralist, which went to Leong Qi Rui of Team 1006. Congratulations to all winners of the competition!

Here's what Qi Rui had to say about her achievement: "Securing 1st runner-up in BAC's 2024 Internal Mooting Competition fills me with immense gratitude. Despite our busy schedules and high pressure, my team and I persevered. This achievement reflects our dedication and hard work. It feels incredibly rewarding and fills me with immense joy and pride winning Best Oralist. I'm deeply thankful for this recognition as it marks a milestone in my journey and motivates me to continue striving for excellence."

BAC Mooting Society's President, Dharneshaa Puvanaguroo also had something to say about the competition: "The IMC 2024 was a resounding success for the Mooting Society. I am immensely proud of my committee members for their exceptional dedication and efficiency in managing all aspects of the event. Additionally, I extend my gratitude to BAC, as well as the lawyers and lecturers who served as judges, for their support throughout the competition. It was rewarding to see participants gain valuable experience, overcome challenges, and simply take part in the event. Every individual involved should take pride in their accomplishments."

If you're interested in mooting, you can click the button below or visit their Instagram to learn more! Stay tuned, because there will be more coming from the BAC Mooting Society in their new tenure!