Bachelor of Computer Engineering (Hons)
Course Module

Year 1
Electrical Circuits 1
This module presents you with the basic laws, theorems and methods of DC circuit analysis such as Ohms law, Kirchhoff Current and Voltage Laws, Thevenin and Norton theorems, etc. You will be expected to apply these laws or theorems in solving the given DC electric circuits. The relevant concepts in transient circuit analysis are introduced and explained. Circuits with series and parallel capacitor, inductor are also discussed.
New Venture Creation
This module outlines a structured programme for entrepreneurs to start and grow sustainable businesses in the mainstream economy, allowing learners to tender for public and private sector opportunities.
Programming Techniques
This module contains introduction topics related to computers and programming. It includes an introduction to programming using the language C/C++, as well as the basics of programming, problem solving and software development. Data types and operators, selections, repetitions, functions, arrays, files, structured data and pointers are among the topics to be studied in this course.
Software Engineering
This module introduces the software engineering process, including analysis, requirements, design, implementation, maintenance, and testing. It includes supporting areas such as project management, and quality control. This module also exposes you to the structured and object-oriented approaches of using UML.
Appreciation of Ethics and Civilization/Malay Communications Language II
This module aims to teach students about the ethics and civilization in Malaysia's diverse society, focusing on its historical evolution from pre-colonial to post-colonial times. It emphasizes the importance of understanding these concepts in a diverse society, fostering national unity and integrating them into academic activities. The module also highlights the role of globalization and information technology in shaping national unity.
Application Mathematics 1
This module will cover topics on differential calculus, integral calculus, partial differentiation, linear algebra and their methods and applications.
Analog Electronic Devices
This module introduces some of the basic electronic devices like diodes and different types of transistors. It begins with theory of semiconductor physics with explanations for PN junction, charge flow and diode equation. Amplifier basics are introduced: biasing, gain, input and output resistances, analysis and design. At the end of the course, the students will also be familiar with the applications of operational amplifiers.
Electrical Circuits 2
This module covers the basic laws, theorems and methods of AC circuit analysis. You should be able to apply the laws/theorems/methods in solving sinusoidal steady-state AC circuits. Three-phase circuits, the concepts of two port-networks, Laplace, and Fourier transform are also discussed.
Third Language
This module is designed for students who do not have any background in a foreign language. It provides you with the knowledge to enable them to understand and communicate in the oral and written forms. Mastering the language will cover the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing components. You will be exposed to elementary reading materials.
Digital Electronics
An introductory module on logic circuits and digital systems. This module covers design and implementation of combinational logic circuits, synchronous sequential circuits and information storage circuits. Binary codes, binary arithmetic, typical computer operations on binary data.
Hubungan Etnik
This subject focuses on, and discusses ethnic relations in Malaysia. This module is intended to heighten your understanding on social unity, and looks at political and economic growth, and the context of the constitution with regards to ethnic relations.
Year 2
Professional Communication
This module is designed to equip you with various communication skills needed in working environments. This module encourages oral communication in fluent English language, and also improves your reading and writing skills. Gain experience in delivering presentations, searching for jobs, and preparing for meetings.
Application Mathematics 2
This module covers topics on first order and second order ordinary differential equation (ODE) and methods of solution including using Laplace Transform.
Electronic Circuits & Systems
The module’s rationale is to enable you to understand the knowledge of the fundamental concept of amplifiers and biasing. Able to apply the DC and AC analysis of an amplifier including the frequency response. Furthermore, you should be able to utilize the feedback in amplifier design.
Signals & Systems
This class will introduce the fundamental ideas of signals and system analysis. The material in this course is fundamental to many areas of electrical engineering, including communication systems, digital signal processing, control systems, image processing, speech processing, analog and digital filter design, acoustics, radar, and finance. Emphasis mainly will be on continuous signal. Signal representation in both the time (Fourier series) and frequency domain (Fourier and Laplace transforms) will be discussed. The topics covered in the module include basic properties of signals and systems, the processing of signals by linear systems, Fourier series and transforms, sampling, discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals.
Computer Organisation & Architecture
This module covers components functions, characteristic, performance, and its relation in computer including bus-system, variety of memory, input/output and CPU. Besides, practical implementation of instruction set, and its variety was covered. In addition, you will be introduced with the parallel organization. From the understanding, you will be able to adapt with the changes of new technology and interested in making the changes.
Object-Oriented Programming
This module introduces students to the concepts of object-oriented with Java programming language. You will be able to build basic object-oriented programs and apply the principles in creating GUI, event handling, interface components, exception handling, databases, and threads. With these basics, you will be able to develop a complete Java application.
Probability & Statistics
This module covers the basic knowledge of statistics introducing both the descriptive and inferential statistics. The module include topics on probability, discrete and continuous distribution, estimation, hypothesis testing and correlation and regression.
Electromagnetic Field Theory
This module covers on the fundamental studies on electromagnetic field theory. This includes on how the electric and magnetic field exist between charges and current and how to analyse the field generally. Faraday's, Ampere's, Bio-Savart, Gauss's and others related laws also introduced in this course as a method for solving the problem in EMT.
Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements
The module aims to introduce you to the concepts and principles of measurement systems, including components of measurement systems, the actual systems used for measurement, the devices used for testing, displaying and analysing the related signals as well as the sensors and technologies used for acquiring the data. The emphasis is on the measurement of electrical quantities.
This module introduces microprocessor programming and computer architecture. Topics covered include: introduction to assembly language programming, some sample programs, introduction to microprocessor programming, microprocessor development systems, subroutines and interrupts, microprocessor I/O, hardware interfacing, operating systems, compilers, interfacing and interface standards
Operating Systems
This module is designed to give exposure about the fundamental of operating system including process, management of memory, file and I/O and also about CPU scheduling. The introduction part consists of the evolution of operating system since it started until now. You will also learn about the basic concepts, technology and theory used in operating system such as concurrency, kernel, deadlock and multithreading.
Database Systems
This module introduces the basics of database and file management system. It helps you understand information systems in terms of data modelling, file management and database system itself. You will be exposed or introduced to the process of design and development of database applications. This module focuses on the practical skills to create, control and execute commands or SQL statements.
Year 3
Control Systems
This module introduces you to the fundamental ideas and definitions of control systems. You will be taught how to obtain mathematical models and transfer function of the physical systems such as electrical, mechanical, electromechanical systems. Methods of system representation such as block diagram representation and signal flow graphs will be studied. You will learn about the system analysis, stability and design using time domain and frequency domain approaches. Finally, an introduction to the design and analysis of control systems using MATLAB will also be given.
Communication Principles
This module provides an introduction to methods of analog and digital communication systems, building upon and applying the concepts of signal representation discussed in former courses. It includes the analysis of analog and digital communication methods, including linear (amplitude) and angle (frequency) modulation, as well as digital systems such as pulse code modulation (PCM), differential PCM, and delta modulation. Signal multiplexing methods (time-division, frequency-division) will be described, and a performance comparison of analog and digital systems will also be considered.
Digital Systems
Covers shift register devices and circuits; design, timing analysis, and application of synchronous state machine circuits using discrete devices and programmable logic devices; timing analysis of asynchronous state machines, arithmetic circuits and devices; internal architecture of a microprocessor; design and interfacing of memory systems; and an introduction to design for test techniques. Reinforces the systematic design methodology, documentation standards, and use of computer-based tools.
Data Communications & Networks
This module introduced fundamental concept and terminology for data communication and networking, involve both technical and management and help you to understand the challenges in modern technology. The topics: fundamental of communication, mechanism of transmission data, technology and technology media, LAN and WAN consideration, application of intranet and ethernet, communication of emerging technology. You will be able to understand and able to explain and applied the fundamental of data and networking communication, troubleshooting, and configure the fundamental computer networking either guided or unguided media.
Engineering Project Management
The topic covers under this course are Introduction to Project Management, Selection of the Project, Project feasibility Analysis, Planning & Control Cycles, Project Scope Management, Activities Sequencing & scheduling, Project Procurement Management, Resource Estimation & Planning, Project Accounting & Earned values, Project Risk & Control Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Project Management & Computing.
Digital Signal Processing
The objective of this module is to provide a basic introduction to the theory of digital signal processing (DSP). It focuses on fundamental concepts, algorithms and applications of digital signal processing. Major parts of the course will concentrate on signal analysis using Fourier transforms, linear system analysis, filter design and a few more advanced topics.
Integrity and Anti-Corruption
This module explores corruption concepts, including integrity, anti-corruption, corruption behavior, power abuse, and prevention methods. It uses experiential learning through individual and group activities, aiming to equip students with knowledge on integrity, corruption, anti-corruption, and power misuse prevention
Engineers in Society
This module touches on engineering positions in modern society. You will be taught about engineering governance and future developments in engineering, ethics, and legal issues. In addition, the issue of public perception of engineering and how engineers handle it is also emphasized.
VLSI System Design
This module covers all aspects of design and synthesis of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) chips using CMOS technology. Complex digital systems are built using integrated circuit cells as building blocks and employing hierarchical design methods. Design issues at layout, schematic, logic and RTL levels will be studied.
User Experience & Interface
This module introduces the concept of Human Computer Interface and its relationship to development of systems. The topics include basic understanding of cognitive psychology, user interface design, interaction design, usability and evaluation. Other topics include user-centered design, analysis and design user support. The current issues regarding accessibility and localization will also be discussed at the end of the course.
Industrial Training
This industrial training will place you in the industry for 12 weeks. You will be exposed to industry experience according to the suitability of your respective field of specialization. This industrial training provides an opportunity for you to practice the knowledge and experience gained from classroom teaching to use while solving problems faced by industry organizations. It will test you in problem-solving techniques based on the scope of their work. The scope of this training is based on your specialisations and you will be required to develop industrial projects according to the requirements required by the industry organization.
Computer Engineering Capstone Project
This Integrated Design Project (IDP) provides you with an opportunity to integrate technical knowledge and generic skills gained over the past three years in the program. Working in groups of 3 -4, the you will be responsible for conceptualizing, planning, designing, building, managing and evaluating an electronics/communication engineering design project which will be proposed based on collaborative inputs from the users and industry. This IDP project will require you to incorporate teamwork and leadership skills in multi-disciplinary settings, effective communication within the group to delegate shared responsibilities, organized project management in terms of scheduling and financial planning, and engineering ethics and professionalism in the design and implementation of the project. Each group will be required to submit a final technical report and demonstrate their findings at the end of the project.
The main objective of IDP is to gain experience in team working, solving complex engineering design problems, project management and finance handling, setting and working towards targets and to develop the skills required to communicate clearly the important results obtained during the development of IDP.
Philosophy and Current Issues
This module aims to teach students about the ethics and civilisation in Malaysia's diverse society, focusing on its historical evolution from pre-colonial to post-colonial times. It emphasises the importance of understanding these concepts in a diverse society, fostering national unity and integrating them into academic activities. The module also highlights the role of globalisation and information technology in shaping national unity. It uses High Impact Education Practices (HIEPs) to deepen understanding and address challenges in sustaining ethics and civilisation in Malaysia.
Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2
This module teaches you how to communicate in Bahasa Melayu correctly and effectively in various formal and informal situations using interactive activities to improve students’ communication skills, particularly, in oral and listening skills.
Year 4
Advance Data Communication Systems
This module introduces the advance concepts and terminology of data communication and networking, encompassing both technical and managerial aspects and to help you better understand the challenges and opportunities faced by modern business. Topics will include: IP network address, configure and trouble shoot, routing protocols of computer network and how you can be used to assist in network design and implementation , building the skills of subnetting and routing mechanism., subnetting and routing protocol mechanism . You will also be able to understand, explain and apply the networking concepts and skills in network applications, troubleshooting, and configuring basic computer networks using suitable software technology.
Embedded Processor Systems / Microcontrollers
This module extends your knowledge of microprocessors by investigating embedded system design and state-of-the-art 32-bit embedded processors. You will be familiarized with problems associated with producing hardware and software. The topics covered include programming for SoC, achieving high-performance in embedded systems through multi-threading over multi-core processors, code optimization, power management and operating system fundamentals. This module has a strong emphasis on hardware/software development process.
Basic Power Systems & Electrical Machines
The module aims to introduce the candidate to the concepts and principles of measurement systems, including components of measurement systems, the actual systems used for measurement, the devices used for testing, displaying and analysing the related signals as well as the sensors and technologies used for acquiring the data. The emphasis is on the measurement of electrical quantities.
Wireless Networking
This module provides an introduction to the wireless networks such as cellular concept and design, radio propagation, discuss on the IoT, IoE and IoNT.
Final Year Project 1
The Final Project aims to give you the opportunity to apply all the knowledge and skills learned in one project. The project developed needs to take into account the real problem scenario in the industry/society and the proposed problem-solving approach must meet the industry expectation.
Final Year Project 2
Final Project 2 is a continuation of Final Project I which gives you the opportunity to apply all the knowledge and skills learned in one project. This module focuses on improving project results through the process of evaluation and testing as well as improving the commercial value of a project.
Choose 4
Robotic & Autonomous Devices (Computer Application)
Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots. Course information will be tied to lab experiments and theory; you will understand the method and knowledge of automation robotics and work in groups to build and test a mobile robots, culminating in an end-of-semester.
Emerging Communication (5G)
This course covers the evolution in communication technologies especially in 5G technology. Basic antenna propagation are discussed including several type of antenna that can be used for 5G network communication. Beamforming and mmWave for 5G covers in this course. The network architecture of 5G is also presented including its transmission techniques and network protocols.
IoT & SMART Application
After completing this module, you will know about the fundamental concepts in Internet of Things (IoT) networking, and programming of Internet of Things applications, and ways to choose and apply networking protocols for resource-constrained IoT devices. Students will learn about IoT via the development of mini project. The students also will explore and understand conceptually the IoT application in the real-world application such as in the smart city, agriculture, mining industry, business Intelligence etc.
Network Defence
This course introduces students to network security technology to defend networks from security attacks. It will focus on critical technologies in network defence such as firewall, router security, vulnerabilities of networks, type of network security threats and detection of network intrusions.