BAC's Women's Legal Rights Club Raises Money for Home of Peace

The BAC Women's Legal Rights Club is passionate about educating women about their rights as individuals.
One of their frequent endeavors is going to children's homes to educate and converse with the girls. In addition to teaching the girls how to handle difficult circumstances, they also teach the girls how to earn money to purchase basics for the house. This led to their first fundraising activity of the year, a bake sale!
On 29th January, students from the Women's Legal Rights Club gathered on campus to start their fundraiser for a home. Home of Peace Kuala Lumpur is a registered, caring home for underprivileged girls, focusing on education and nurturing their development, aiming to provide a better life for them.
This fundraiser saw students selling two types of desserts: brownies and cookies, which were a hit on campus, selling out within two hours!

At the end of the day, the Club successfully raised over RM800 from donations and sale of desserts!
Even though the bake sale was a huge success, the team has more work ahead of them. Donations are still being accepted in order to purchase supplies and necessities for Home of Peace before they visit on 6th February.
If you wish to support them, you can do so by clicking here to donate.
Every little bit helps. Your generosity and support will make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Interested in what the Women's Legal Rights Club is doing? Find out more by visiting their Instagram!