UK Transfer Degree Programme (IT)



Year 1

Mathematics and Statistics for IT

This module is designed to develop your confidence with mathematical concepts and relationships, enabling your utilisation of mathematics, statistical skills and techniques in various contexts, precisely problem solving and abstract thinking.

Information Technology

This module provides a sound foundation in the basic theoretical and practical principles behind these technologies. It discusses up to date issues surrounding them, including social aspects and how they impact everyday life. You will also earn a microcredential from Google.

Programming Fundamentals

This module develops your knowledge and skills in problem solving through designing and developing computer programmes. Among topics covered are problem-solving techniques, introduction to structured programming, basic algorithms for searching and sorting, and the modular programming approach. You will also earn a microcredential from Duke University.

Platform Technologies

You will explore the concepts and principles of platform technologies' essential operations, including general-purpose computers and peripherals and communication infrastructures such as transmission systems (copper, wireless, optical fibre), networking, and networking devices. You will also earn a microcredential from the University of Minnesota.

Database Management System

This module is an introduction to the principles, use, and applications of database systems. Upon completing this course, you will be able to design and create databases, extract information from databases, understand in broad terms how database systems work, and understand the purposes for which databases are used. You will also earn a microcredential from IBM.

Statistical Data Analysis

This module explores the fundamental knowledge of probability and statistics for data analysis. You will learn data collection, exploratory data analysis, random variables, common discrete and continuous distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, linear regression, analysis of variance, two (2)-way tables, and data analysis using statistical software. You will also earn a microcredential from IBM.

Web Development Technologies

You will learn to make informed and technical decisions on IT-based products made available by organisations, using the online platform. The knowledge and skills acquired will enable you to perform and interact successfully in a technologically-driven society. You will also learn basic web design and development using HTML, CSS, and /or Scripting language. You will also earn a microcredential from META.


You will learn how the same fundamental principles and components form the foundations of all computer networks, from the smallest peer-to-peer systems to the worldwide web. You will also earn a microcredential from Google.

System Administration and Maintenance

You will be exposed to the deployment and maintenance of modern computer systems, emphasising user accounts administration. This module includes an overview of basic administrative tasks related to network operating systems such as Windows and Linux. You will also earn a microcredential from Google.


Business Communication

This module gives you a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and its role in establishing a favourable outside-the-firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications process.

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

This module exposes you to the software requirement elicitation process and various tools and techniques such as activity diagram, use case diagram, class diagram and sequential diagram to analyse and design software systems. You will apply modelling tools and techniques learned within a recognised software development methodology and a case study context.

Year 2

Integrative Programming

This module introduces object-oriented programming to students who will learn Python programming methods of structuring a program by bundling related properties and behaviors into individual objects. You will also earn a microcredential from Duke University.

Human Computer Interaction

You will be provided with an understanding of human-computer interaction theories and design processes. The emphasis will be on applied user experience (UX) design. This module will introduce a broader notion of user experience, including usability, usefulness, and emotional impact. You will also earn a microcredential from the University of California, San Diego.

Information Assurance and Security

You will gain knowledge in the field of Information Assurance and security which encompasses computer security, communications security, operations security, and physical security. It includes understanding & building communications equipment, making tamper protection products, and providing trusted solutions. You will also earn a microcredential from Google.

System Integration and Architecture

This module allows you to work in teams to explore and practice various system integration techniques to address software and hardware requirements. The main focus is on identifying and troubleshooting systems interface integration issues. You will also earn a microcredential from Microsoft.


Critical Thinking Skills

This module encourages students to reflect on the processes of thinking and develop and practice thinking skills. You will also earn a microcredential from the University of Sydney.

Design Principles

The everyday design before us is a synthesis of many concepts and principles put to practice. These design principles remain unchanged and act as building blocks of a designer's cognitive processes. To be equipped with the know-how of what makes and breaks design, you will be primed in the essentials that define these principles. You will also earn a microcredential from the University of California, San Diego.

Digital Entrepreneurship

You are provided with a sound understanding of the components of digital entrepreneurship and the characteristics of successful new digital ventures in various contexts. You will also earn a microcredential from the University of Illnois at Urbana-Champaign.

Principles of Management

This is an introductory course on the management process from a manager's perspective. With particular emphasisi on the skills, competencies, techniques and knowledge needed to successfully manage an organisation. This course explores the basic concepts and processes of management. Students will examine the fundamental roles and processes of planning, organising, leading and controlling that comprise the managers' role. This course also will enable students to develop short and long range plans to effectively accomplish organisational goals.

Year 3

As per subjects offered by the UK University


Elective Route 1 (Choose 1)

Data Science Principles

This module aims to expose you to the principles of data science. You will explore topics on the basics of statistical, exploratory data analysis, extracting meaning from data, simple data visualisation, graph processing, as well as data science and ethical issues. You will also earn a microcredential from IBM.

Internet of Things (IoT)

This course will expose you to the Internet of Things (IoT), a concept based on interconnecting physical devices embedded with sensors, actuators, electronics, software, and network connectivity that allow IoT objects to gather and exchange data. It relies on a host of technologies like Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that connect devices to the Internet. You will also earn a microcredential from Google Cloud.

Elective Route 2 (Choose 1)

Big Data Technology

You will be introduced to big data technologies, starting with MapReduce as a computational model and an execution framework. You will understand the use of big data tools like Pig, HIVE, Hbase and Spark and recognise how the different tools in the Hadoop stack fit the overall picture of big data analytics. You will also earn a microcredential from IBM.

Cloud Computing and Virtualisation

This module defines Cloud Computing, explains the types of Cloud services and their benefits, as well as how to incorporate cloud services in an organisation by looking at the ROI, risks, challenges, and the impact of Cloud on the future. You will also earn a microcredential from AWS Fundamentals.

Elective Route 3 (Choose 1)

Business Intelligence

The module examines Business Intelligence (BI) as a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analysing, sharing and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better managerial decisions. You will learn the principles and best practices of how to use data to support fact-based decision making. You will also earn microcredentials from IBM and the University of Colarado.

Managing The Mobile Cloud

This module covers the essentials to leverage key technologies in a pragmatic way to fully realise their power, innovation, and potential. You will also earn a microcredential from CLOUDERA.


Philosphy and Current Issues

This module covers the relationship of philosophy with the Philosophy of National Education and the National Pillars. In this class, you will cover major topics in philosophy namely epistemology, metaphysics and ethics and discuss them in the context of current issues. Emphasis is given to philosophy as a basis for inter -cultural dialogue and fostering common values. At the end of this course, you will be able to view these disciplines as a comprehensive, interrelated body of knowledge. 

Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation

This module focuses on the appreciation of ethics and civilization in the Malaysian mold. You will be exposed to the dynamics of the concept of ethics and civilization which is a strength to the formation of Malaysia based on the evolutionary timeline of its history from the pre-colonial era to the post-colonial era. )