Veritas University College's 2024 Business Colloquium

New Milestones

Veritas University College (VUC) hit a monumental milestone with their very first Business Colloquium: Excellence in Reasearch, with special guests from VUC and a diverse audience that is representative of VUC's academic advancement.

The room was filled with important members of the collective institutions - Mr. Nadarajah Thiagendran, Chief Operating Officer (BAC Education Group), Professor Dr. Amer Hamzah, Deputy Vice Chancellor (VUC), Mr. Raymond Markus Maskrin (Head, School of Business, Communication and Law, VUC) and Miss Lavinia Sivapalan, Head, Programme for Undergraduate Studies (VUC).

The presence of members from the different institutions and a room filled with enthusiastic students brought a wonderful, vibrant atmosphere, which only elevated its main objective of providing a platform for postgraduate students to showcase their research initiatives.

Elevating The Postgraduate Experience

This new platform is revolutionary for VUC as it provides postgraduate students with a platform to showcase their research initiatives. Students can not only present their work but also use the platform as a catalyst to perfect their presentation and communication skills, which are crucial aspects to deliver their impactful research findings to an audience.

With a Q&A session following each presentation, the event kept the audience constantly engaged with thoughtful discussions and valuable feedback for the presenters. Notable speakers, Mr. Lee Shoon Yew and Ms. Sharmila Silverajoo captivated the audience with an immense amount of depth of their research. Their presentation demonstrated their tenacity and academic rigor that partnered beautifully with the practical aspect of their work, and the audience was more than impressed by the sheer quality of presentations.

New Opportunities

The best part of this colloquium was the networking opportunities that it gave the MBA students, many of whom come from diverse professional backgrounds. It was a perfect environment for these students to come together and exchange knowledge, fostering a community that is built on cooperation among industry professionals.

The success of the inaugural postgraduate colloquium has set the stage for future editions, with the next colloquium scheduled for mid year, and the excitement that formed from this colloquium has brought anticipation for the next one to an all-time high.

With events like these, Veritas University College aims to solidify its position as a leading hybrid university, seamlessly integrating open and distance learning (ODL), blended learning, and conventional learning methodologies. With that being said, as a collection of institutions, we are excited to see what Veritas University College does next!

With events like these, Veritas University College aims to solidify its position as a leading hybrid university, seamlessly integrating open and distance learning (ODL), blended learning, and conventional learning methodologies.

Through innovative approaches to education, Veritas University College strives to provide students with a well-rounded and flexible learning experience that prepares them for success in the rapidly evolving global landscape. By offering a diverse range of learning options, the university ensures that students can access quality education regardless of their circumstances or location.

With that being said, as a collection of institutions, we are excited to see what Veritas University College does next!