What Next After Studying IT & Cybersecurity?

Graduating with a degree in IT and cybersecurity is an exciting step, opening doors to numerous professional opportunities and career paths. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the skills and knowledge you've acquired will be in high demand. Here’s a guide to help you navigate your options and decide what to do after completing your studies in IT and cybersecurity.

Enter the Workforce

One of the most straightforward options after graduation is to enter the workforce. With your specialised skills, you can look for roles such as:
Cybersecurity Analyst: Protecting an organisation’s computer systems and networks from information breaches and attacks.
Penetration Tester: Simulating cyber-attacks to identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited maliciously.
Security Consultant: Advising companies on how to protect their assets and meeting compliance regulations.
Network Administrator: Managing, upgrading and troubleshooting network operations to ensure security and efficiency.

Pursue Specialisations

The field of IT and cybersecurity is broad, and specializing can make you even more valuable. Consider areas like:
Ethical Hacking
Forensic Computer Analysis
Security Architecture
Malware Analysis
Cloud Security

Obtaining additional certifications in these areas, such as CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) or CompTIA Security+, can enhance your credentials and open up higher-level opportunities.

Further Education

If academia appeals to you, pursuing a master’s degree or PhD can deepen your expertise and potentially lead to a career in research or teaching at the university level. Advanced degrees often focus on specific aspects of cybersecurity, such as cryptography, data security or cybersecurity policy.

Start Your Own Business

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, starting a cybersecurity firm offers the chance to be your own boss and apply your skills on your terms. This could involve consulting, cybersecurity audits, implementing security solutions or developing new cybersecurity tools and software.

Work for Government Agencies

Government agencies around the world are prioritising cybersecurity. Jobs in this sector can range from national defence against cyber threats to securing public data and infrastructure. Working in a governmental role can also offer unique benefits and job security.

shallow focus photo of person using red laptop computer
selective focus photography of man wearing black top
man in black hoodie walking on street during night time
black and gray Logitech wireless keyboard with smartphone beside headphones and flat screen monitor

Join Non-Profit Organisations

Non-profit organisations increasingly need cybersecurity experts to protect their data and ensure privacy. These roles can be especially fulfilling if you are passionate about a specific cause.

Freelancing and Contract Work

If flexibility is a priority, consider freelancing or contract work. This can provide diverse experiences with different technologies and projects and you can work from anywhere in the world.

Continuous Learning and Networking

Technology and threats evolve rapidly in the field of cybersecurity. Keeping up-to-date through continuous learning and professional networking is vital. Attending conferences, participating in webinars and joining professional associations can help you stay at the cutting edge and make valuable connections.

Explore Internationally

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is global. If you're open to relocation, international work can provide tremendous personal and professional growth opportunities along with the chance to experience different cultures and business practices.


Offering your skills as a volunteer can be a way to give back to the community while gaining experience. Many organizations lack the budget for extensive cybersecurity and can benefit from your expertise. This is also a great way to build a resume and network.

Finishing your studies in IT and cybersecurity is just the beginning. Whether you're aiming for a dynamic career in a multinational corporation, dreaming of launching a start-up, or looking to make an impact in the public sector, the skills you've acquired are your ticket to a promising future. With a clear understanding of your career goals and the paths available, you can make informed decisions that align with your personal and professional aspirations.