What Next After
Studying Psychology?

After studying psychology, graduates find themselves at a crossroads with numerous paths available, each leading to potentially rewarding careers and opportunities for further development. Whether you've just earned your bachelor's degree or completed advanced studies in psychology, the question of "what next?" is an exciting one. Here’s a guide to exploring the diverse options that lie ahead.

Further Education

For many psychology students, further specialisation through advanced degrees is a natural next step. Here are a few paths:

Master’s Degrees
Clinical Psychology: Prepares you for licensure as a clinical psychologist, focusing on diagnosing and treating mental illness.
Counseling Psychology: Focuses on facilitating personal and interpersonal functioning across the lifespan with an emphasis on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organisational concerns.
Industrial-Organisational Psychology: Enhances your ability to apply psychology principles to human resources, staff training, marketing and sales, and organisational development.

Doctoral Degrees
Ph.D. in Psychology: Often focuses on research and teaching at the university level or conducting detailed studies in various psychology subfields.
Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology): Emphasises clinical practice and less on research compared to a Ph.D.

Professional Certification and Licensing

To practice clinical psychology or counselling, licensing is mandatory, which typically requires a doctoral degree, an internship, or the right qualification. Certifications in various specialties like school psychology, forensic psychology, or neuropsychology can enhance your qualifications and open up more specific career opportunities.

Career Paths With a Bachelor’s in Psychology

If further study isn’t your current plan, a bachelor’s degree still offers valuable opportunities:
Human Resources: Your knowledge of human behaviour and motivation can make you an excellent fit for recruiting, training, and employee development.
Market Research Analyst: Analysing consumer behaviour to help businesses understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price.
Case Management: Working in social services to support and improve the community well-being and individual functioning.
Sales: Understanding customer psychology can boost your effectiveness in many sales roles.

the back of a woman's head with a multicolored pattern
woman covering face with assorted ballons
a painting of a man with a lion on his head
man in blue dress shirt sitting on yellow chair

Non-traditional Paths

Leveraging a psychology degree outside traditional roles:

User Experience (UX) Designer: Applying understanding of human behaviour to design better digital experiences.
Public Policy: Influence and develop policies that address social issues, leaning on your understanding of human behaviour and societal impacts.
Writing and Journalism: Covering topics related to mental health, psychological research, or human interest stories.

Start Your Own Business

Entrepreneurial psychology graduates might start practices or consultancies that specialise in coaching, mental health services, or corporate training workshops, blending psychology expertise with business acumen.

Volunteering and Internships

Gaining experience through volunteering or internships can be incredibly beneficial, especially if you’re undecided about your specific career path. These experiences provide insight into how various organisations utilise psychological skills.

Continuing Education and Professional Development 

Regardless of the specific career path, continuing education is crucial in psychology. Workshops, seminars, and courses can keep you updated on the latest research and best practices in your chosen area.

"What next after studying psychology?" is a question filled with potential. Whether advancing your education, diving into the workforce, or even charting a unique course, the skills and insights gained from studying psychology are in high demand across numerous fields. Each step forward offers the chance to apply your knowledge in meaningful, impactful ways, ensuring a dynamic and fulfilling career.